Pupils from 5th & 6th class enjoyed a Rugby Blitz in Roscrea Rugby Club on Tuesday 28th March thanks to Mark IRFU Rugby Coach. They played against Dromakeenan, Corville, Dunkerrin and Kilamester.
Healthy Lunch based on The Food Pyramid
3rd, 4th,5th and 6th Class Poppy Pictures
Our Moving Hands
Soccer Blitz in Nenagh October 2016
More Images from Soccer Blitz 2016
Coffee Morning for Tipperary Hospice 2016
Villiers Interschools Sports Day 2016
Presentation of National Flag
Christmas Costumes
Pupils have been allocated their parts in the Christmas Play. Please organise a costume for your child.We have googled some ideas but you may have your own, you can make your costume or buy one if you wish. Soldiers must look like Roman Soldiers not modern day soldiers. The following websites will help you