Enrolment – Notification of Intention to Apply Form for September 2022

Notification of Intention to Apply Form for School Year 2022/2023

This is not an application form and does not form part of the selection process. The school will make a record of parents wishing to enrol their child/ren for no other purposes than being in a position to post out application forms at the appropriate time.


Name of child: _______________________________________________________

Date of birth of child: ­__________________________________________________

Mother’s Name: __________________      Father’s Name: ____________________



Home Telephone No: ________________  Mobile No:_______________________

E-mail Address: _____________________________________________________

Requested date of entry to St. Cronans National School Rosemount: August/September 2022


  • I/We wish to give our intention to apply for enrolment in respect of _______________________(Child’s Name) to St. Cronan’s National School, Rosemount for the school year ________________ in accordance with the foregoing information.
  • I/We understand that this notification places our child on a list of those requiring enrolment for the stated year.
  • I/We understand that this notification does not offer any preferment to our child and does not guarantee a place for him/her either for the year requested or for any other year.
  • I/We understand that it is our responsibility to communicate to the school any change in our correspondence address or telephone number.
  • I/We request that St. Cronan’s National School, Rosemount, contact us when enrolment forms are available.


Signed: _________________________________ Date: ________________________

This form will be retained in accordance with our GDPR Policy.


Please view our School Website www.stcronansrosemount.ie to learn more about our school