St. Cronan’s N.S.Anti-Bullying Policy


  • Every pupil in St. Cronan’s NationalSchoolhas the right to enjoy learning and leisure free from intimidation, both in the school and in the surrounding community.
  • Our school community will not tolerate any unkind actions or remarks, even if these were not intended to hurt.
  • Bullying will be dealt with seriously. We are a “telling” school-bullying is too important not to report.


Anti-Bullying Policy Statement


Bullying is repeated aggression, verbal psychological or physical, conducted by an individual or group against others.


There are many types of bullying, which include:


  • Physical:      pushing around, shoving, punching, kicking, poking, jostling, may also be severe physical assaults.


  • Verbal:        persistent name-calling, hurtful remarks (comments about physical appearance, clothes, family etc.)


  • Emotional:   deliberate exclusion, passing notes, cyber bullying, insults etc.






The Aims of our School Anti-Bullying Policy are:


  • To provide a safe secure environment for all pupils, staff and parents
  • To prevent all types of bullying as described above
  • To incorporate an anti-bullying policy as part of a whole school approach towards socially acceptable behaviour, as agreed by children, parents and staff.



Procedure for dealing with any type of bullying behaviour:


  1. All allegations of bullying are treated seriously, no matter how trivial. We try to make it “worthwhile telling”. We encourage children to tell of they are being bullied or if they see someone else being bullied.
  2. All incidents are referred to the Principal or Class Teacher, who will listen to the complaints.
  3. Parents/guardians of victims and bullies will be informed earlier rather than later of incidents so that they are given the opportunity of discussing the matter. They are then in a position to help and support their children before a crisis occurs.
  4. Complaints will be investigated fully and the names of pupils involved recorded.  A record of the incident will be recorded in an Incident Book.
  5. If it is concluded that a pupil/pupils have been engaged in incidents of bullying behaviour, they, and their parents, will be informed that they are in breach of the School Code of Conduct and this is recorded in the school records.
  6. Sanctions, where deemed necessary, are applied as per the School Code of Conduct.




The following resources will be used, where relevant and /or necessary, to help implement our Anti-Bullying policy:


  • R.S.E. and Stay-Safe programmes for whole class teaching
  • Literature for staff, parents and pupils
  • Professional help and advice
  • Poetry and social stories relevant to the pupils needs