Chocolate World
Come inside, it’s a sight to behold
How about a once in a lifetime opportunity
Oh, chocolate rivers, toffee chairs,
Candy books, icing creature’s lairs.
Oh! you can meet gingerbread friend
Little bon-bon trees, tweeting as you pass
And lollipop trees, isn’t this a blast
Treats all day if you live here with me
Epic times and memories here, I share this land with my family!
For every push, there’s a pull
For every prop, there’s a back
For every scrum, there’s a lineout
For every pass, there’s a tackle
For every knock on, there’s a knock back
For every kick for goal, there’s a kick for touch
For every ruck, there’s open play
For every blindside run, there’s an open side run
For every time you swear at someone on the pitch, you talk to someone in the dressing room
For every win, there’s a loss.
For every pencil, there is a pen,
For every rooster, there is a hen,
For everyone who’s happy, someone is sad,
For everyone who is sane, someone is mad.
For every flower, there is a weed,
For every mouth that’s full, there is one to feed,
For everything that’s black, something is white,
For every day there is a night.
For everyone healthy, someone is ill,
For every survivor, someone is killed
For every woman, there is a man,
For everyone who’s sunburnt , someone is tanned.
These are all opposites and can you see,
For every you there is a me.