Newsletter September 2014

 Scoilbhliain nua: Fáilte!

Welcome or welcome back to St Cronan’s National School. We hope you have enjoyed your summer break. We extend a very special welcome to all our new pupils and indeed their parents/guardians and we hope that you enjoy your time with us.

 Staff   2014– 2015

  • Ms McConville –
  • Ms Slattery  –
  • Ms Hogan –
  • Mrs Powell –
  • Ms Morrissey- Special Education
  • Ms Barnwell – Special Education
  • Ms McLoughlin – SNA
  • Ms Parlon – Secretary
  • Ms Gleeson – Cleaner
  • Mr McLoughlin – Caretaker

School Hours

Please note the following:

9.05 a.m.   School opens for the reception of pupils.

 Children are not permitted to enter school grounds until 9.05am.    Please do not leave children to wait outside the school prior to 9.05a.m.

9.20 a.m.  Classes begin for all pupils.  All children should be seated and ready to begin work.

Please ensure your child is in school on time as Late arrival is discourteous to others and disruptive to  the  work of the school.

 11.00a.m.-11.10a.m.   Break

12.30p.m-1.00p.m       Lunch Break
1.45 p.m.         Classes end for Infants
2.45 p.m.         Classes end for 1st –6th classes.

Parents of the Junior and Senior Infants are requested to collect their children outside the front door at1.45pm. Infants must be collected promptly to allow the Infant teacher to undertake other duties.

For insurance reasons the Board does not accept responsibility for pupils on the premises outside the official hours of 9.05a.m. and 2.55p.m.

School Policies

All Organisational and Curricular Policies are available to view in the school office or on our school website.

Copies of ratified policies are on our website. Please Read the following as soon as possible.

  • Homework Policy
  • Anti bullying Policy


Parental Contact Numbers

It is very important that we have up- to-date home and work telephone numbers so that we are able to contact parents speedily.  The Information sheet is very important as we need to update our database correctly. We also need PPSN numbers for the Department of Education.

 Child Protection

Each child’s welfare is of utmost importance, as stated in our school ethos. To safeguard all children the directives of the Child Protection Act are complied with. Our Child Protection Policy is available to view on line. Ms Hogan is our Designated Liason Person. The Parents Association received the Confirmation of the Annual Review of this Policy

 Administration of Medication

Please let us know..

  • if your child has any long term medical problems and advise the teacher how to cope with any signs of illness.
  • if your child is allergic to any material or substances.


Please advise your child’s class teacher if your child suffers from any long term health conditions.Teachers will not administer medication for short-term illnesses.

We advise that children, who are unwell, are kept at home. Invariably, those who are ill or unwell coming to school, will have to be sent home during the day. Infection always spreads very quickly in classrooms.

The school must be notified immediately of any infectious illnesses – e.g.: chickenpox, measles, whooping cough, scabies, impetigo or conjunctivitis.

Your child’s hair should also be checked regularly for head lice and the school informed immediately if your child has headlice.



In line with current legislation ALL PARENTS/GUARDIANS must provide the school with written explanations as to why pupils are absent. Please use the templates at the back of the homework notebook.

If a pupil is absent in excess of 20 days in a school year, the National Education Welfare Board must be informed by the school.


Travel Arrangements

At the commencement of the school year, the teachers must be made aware of the travel arrangements you have made for your children. Teachers must be kept informed as to who will usually collect your child.  If they are to be collected by any other person, other than parents/guardians or a person nominated by parents, a note is required explaining the alternative arrangements.   All notes should be dated and be signed by a parent or guardian.


Permission to leave school during school hours

Parents must seek permission from teachers and collect their child(ren)from the classroom if they wish their child(ren) to leave the school before 1.45pm/2.45p.m.. Ideally if the child could hand a note to their teacher when they arrive in the morning requesting this permission. Please return with your child to the classroom following appointments rather than dropping them at the school gate.

School Uniform

A uniform is required for Junior and Senior Infants, 1st class, 2nd class and 3rd class.  The uniform is optional for all other classes, but is encouraged. On special occasion those who do not usually wear uniform will be asked to do so as they helps identify our pupils.

The sweatshirt and polo shirt are available from Ms Kathleen Wallace, throught the school office. Other items may be purchased at Tesco, Dunnes, etc. Please ensure all coats /sweatshirts /footwear are named, to avoid confusion. 

Healthy Eating Policy


To promote healthy eating habits the following are not permitted

Fizzy drinks, crisps, sweets and chewing gum

Please limit chocolate bars and sugary foods


Pupils are encouraged to eat/drink:

  • Sandwiches/rolls/crackers (with healthy fillings)
  • Salads/fruits
  • Yogurts/cheeses
  • Water/milk/fruit juices

We hope to implement a Healthy Eating Policy during this school year.


Should pupils bring any prohibited foods/drinks they will not be allowed to have them until home time.



We do not encourage pupils to bring valuables or toys to school. Mobile Phones are not allowed even on school trips.



We do not encourage the giving out of Christmas Cards, Birthday Invitations or Presents during school hours as this causes distress for those not included.



Homework will supplement and reinforce topics covered in school. It is most important that parents are involved in the school/home learning process. We urge parents to make sure their children read their books every night, to enhance their literacy & fluency skills. Also we are placing a greater emphasis on Tables and would appreciate your help in asking your child their tables every night. It is vital parents play an active part in our reading programme.  Homework assignments should be checked daily and homework diaries should be signed daily. Please read homework policy on our website. If your child is spending too long at their homework please contact us to discuss this matter.


School Books Rental Scheme 2014-2015

Thank you to all parents/guardians who paid the Rental Charge. Textbooks must be kept clean. Damaged textbooks must be replaced.


School Calendar

The 2014-2015 Calendar was distributed. This indicates the days the school be closed. Please retain for reference, as you will only be notified of exceptional closings during the year.


P.E. Activities 2014-2015

Soccer has recommenced, for all classes and continues on Tuesdays during the month of September and October (8 weeks).

Children must wear runners for PE on Tuesdays.Cost is €16 per child.


Supervision and Safety of Pupils:

We have changed the supervision of pupils when lining up at the end of breaks and collection at2:45pmto ensure pupils safety.

Pupils are requested to evacuate the classrooms and make their way to assembly points in the playground marked zone 1 and 3. Drills are carried out once per term


Office Hours

Mrs Parlon works on Monday, Wednesday,

Thursday, Friday from9:00am – 12:30pm. Please check your child’s schoolbag for notes regularly.




School Photographs:

Only School Photographs of Junior Infants and Sixth Class will be taken on 4th November in the school year. Children from other classes may have their photographs taken on that day if requested so please let us know.


Parents’ Association

All parents are automatically members of the school’s Parents’ Association which exists to support the work of the school and to foster good links between parents, teachers and the school’s Board of Management. We would encourage all parents/ guardians to attend Parents’ Association meetings. The PA are recruiting new members for the committee. Please contact June Wallace for more information.


Board of Management

The next Board of Management meeting will be held on Tuesday 4th November at8 the school. The members of the current Board are Mr Mike Pearson (Chairperson) Ms Lynn Atkinson (Treasurer) Ms Jennifer Hogan, Ms Ann Powell, (Secretary) Mr Henry Dudley, Ms Nazneen Hillaly, Mr Leslie Dreapar, Ms Gillian Kingston


Complaints Procedure:

Please familiarise yourself with the attached national policy for dealing with complaints.

If you have any concerns regarding your child please speak to their class teacher by making an appointment as soon as the concern arises.


Annual Voluntary Subscription

is set at €90 per family for this year. This can be paid in instalments or in full. This covers the cost of materials for Art, Music, Science and photocopying.


School Noticeboard

Please take a look at our School Noticeboard outside the office. Our legislative policies are displayed on this noticeboard for your information.


Our Annual Coffee Morning hosted by 6th Class in aid of North Tipperary Hospice takes place on Thursday 26th September @ 10:30am12 noon. This is the date of the official opening of our school 40 years ago, please come along on that morning and bring family and friends.






Information Sheet

Please read, fill out and return this information sheet as soon as possible.


Text – A- Parent Notification

In addition to sending notes home, the school uses Text – A – Parent service to communicate with parents/guardians. In order to create an efficient database please designate one contact name and a current mobile number and sign to allow us to use your number for this service.


Mobile Number:____________________________

Your Name:_______________________________(Block Capitals)


I permit St. Cronan’s  N.S. to use my mobile number in a Text- A Parent scheme for school- home communication.


Signed:_________________________________________   Date:_________________



Travel Arrangements: 2014-2015

Please indicate with a tick how your child will usually travel to and from school:

Bus                                           Parent’s Car                                          Walk Alone 


            Other   (Please specify)_________________________________________________


The following have permission to collect the named children, as required:



If anyone, other than those named in travel arrangements is to collect your child from the school/school event, a note giving details of alternative arrangements is required.



School Trips/ Activities

Please complete the following:

My child/ren has/have permission to take part in out of school activities/trips/visits. (e.g. School Tours, Visits, Nature Walks, Sports Activities, Library Trip, Field Trips). I understand that I will be notified of outings that involve use of buses in advance and I can discuss the activity with the teachers, if I so wish. Should my child/ren be involved in an accident while on a trip, the teachers will endeavour to contact me immediately. If the teachers are unable to contact me, I give my permission for them to obtain any medical help necessary, should my child require urgent treatment.


We give permission for our child/children to take part in out of school activities/trips/visits.

Signed:____________________________Mother/ Guardian            Date:_________________

Signed:____________________________Father / Guardian            Date:_________________




Over the past few years there have been increasing concerns regarding the photographing/video recording of Primary School Children, & the publishing of photos to highlight achievements in sports, arts, drama, etc.

Our school will not allow any pupils photographed to be identified by name and surname. Should individual children win awards, your permission will be sought for individual photographs/naming.


We give permission for:

_____________________________________________________________________(Names) to be photographed/video recorded as members of the school. We understand that pupils will not be named in full individually without additional permission been sought.


Signed:____________________________Mother/ Guardian            Date:_________________

Signed:____________________________Father / Guardian            Date:_________________


Health Services Executive

We give permission to the school to give our child/ren’s names and dates of birth to the H.S.E.  for health screening checks.


Signed:____________________________Mother/ Guardian            Date:_________________ Signed:____________________________Father / Guardian            Date:_________________


Acceptable Usage Policy for computers:

We give permission for our child/ren to use Internet in the controlled classroom environment under the supervision of the teacher.


Signed:____________________________Mother/ Guardian            Date:_________________ Signed:____________________________Father / Guardian            Date:_________________


Code of Behaviour

We have read and understand ‘The Code of Behaviour’ for St. Cronan’s N.S. We accept and agree to abide by the requirements/Rules laid down in this document. We will ensure that our child/ren adhere to the school ‘Code of Behaviour’


Signed:____________________________Mother/ Guardian            Date:_________________ Signed:____________________________Father / Guardian            Date:_____________


The Anti Bullying Policy


We have read and understand The Anti Bullying Policy for St. Cronan’s N.S. We accept and agree to abide by the requirements/Rules laid down in this document. We will ensure that our child/ren adhere to the school

‘Anti Bullying Policy’

Signed:____________________________Mother/ Guardian            Date:_________________ Signed:____________________________Father / Guardian            Date:_____________


My child’s PPSN Number is

Name:                                     Number                                                          

Name:                                     Number                                                          

Name:                                     Number                                                          

Primary Online Database

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

The Department of Education and Skills is developing an electronic individualised database of all Primary School pupils, giving schools the ability to make online returns to the Department.

In order to facilitate inputting the necessary data to the Department, we would ask you to complete the information below and return it to the school.   If you have more than one child attending the school, we would ask you to fill in a column for each child. We greatly appreciate that you may have already given some of these details to the school but it will aid us in completing this task more easily and efficiently. If you have any concerns regarding any of the information required below, please do not hesitate in contacting the school. Many thanks.

Pupil details Pupil 1 Pupil 2 Pupil 3
PPSN Complete if available  
Pupil Forename Compulsory
Pupil Surname Compulsory
Birth Cert Forename Compulsory
Birth Cert Surname Compulsory
Pupil Address 1 Compulsory
Pupil Address 2 Compulsory
Pupil Address 3 Compulsory
Pupil Address 4 Compulsory
DOB Date of birth of pupil in dd/mm/yyy format.
Gender Compulsory
Mother’s Maiden Name  Complete if available
Ethnic or Cultural Background Optional
Religion  Optional
Nationality Compulsory
One of Mother Tongues Irish or EnglishIs one of the pupil’s mother tongues Irish or English? If the pupil speaks Irish or English at home select ‘Yes’. If the pupil never speaks Irish or English at home select ‘No’
Year of arrival in Ireland Compulsory if not Irish
Teacher Name Compulsory
Enrolment Date Compulsory